COLOR CODE Moments and Questions

If you would like to share your COLOR CODE moments or questions, please feel free to write us at
We will do our very best to share your comments and answer your questions. We will be happy to protect your identity, if you prefer to remain anomynous, just let us know.

Your victories or struggles may help others along this journey of life! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hello everybody:)!!
Wow, it's been a while since I blogged. Tammy and I have been on a whirlwind of trainings.
The Valentine Retreat in Branson was absolutely wonderful. To all our friends who attended, we want you to know we will never forget the special time we enjoyed together. It was you who made it special. Everyone participated and shared. I wish we could have bottled that retreat, and offerred it to the entire world. Thank you to everyone! Special "Kudos" to Valery and Tammy and Stefany for all your hard work of preparation that paid off in improving relationships for all. You are the best "TEAM" ever!
For our corporate teams that we have been with in the last 8 weeks, you should know how proud we are of you. Your work of CSI, Continuous Self-Improvement has been an inspiration to us. You are doing a great job. Keep up the "work". Become your "Very Best!" Keep getting better, with the goal being to bring your gifts and strengths to help as many people as you can.
We arrived home last night from a trip to our nation's capitol. We had the priviledge of training a team from The Pentagon. This is a team that protects the people who protect "The People" of the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth.
With all the negativity in politics and government that is going on in our world, it was sooooooo refreshing to be with a team of people who do the work on the ground every day. Any company in the world would give their eye teeth to have a team like this one. The trust, commitment, loyalty, dedication, discipline, and team spirit they possess, serves as a model to the goodness and character derived from training and service in the military and policing professions. Kudos to each and every one of you on the "TEAM". Thank you for allowing us to serve you with training in Motive. Continue in being "Your Very Best!" Your service to the people of our nation, our children and grandchildren, is deeply appreciated.

I will close out this blog with this thought from our dear friend, the Author and Originator of "The Color Code/The People Code", Dr. Taylor Hartman. Your gifts are given, primarily, to benefit others. Being self-aware will help you use your strengths, and defy your limitations. The aim, in all we do, is to help you create and sustain successful relationships, so that your life, when it is all said and done, will benefit others, and yourself, to the greatest extent possible.

As he so often says, "Bring your gifts to bless the lives of others."

We love you all.

Van and Tammy