In his book, The 7 Secrets of Successful Sales Management, author Jack D. Wilner defines vision as "innovating a purposeful, organized search for change."
Vision has elements of invention (WHITE), entrepreneurship and challenging adventure (RED), curiosity (YELLOW), and purpose (BLUE).
There is always an element of risk in vision.
Visionary REDS, and those who learn to take on this gift, are long term oriented. They don't think in terms of minutes or hours, they think in years and decades. Dr. Taylor Hartman writes in "The People Code", "Reds think and live 6 months out." REDS can see the future, because their core motive of "power", creates it!
Consider this: Reds can see the future as easily as whites clearly see what is right before them...and as naturally as blues see the potential pitfalls and the details needed to bring quality...and as instinctively as yellows, living outside the box, see ways to innovate existing realities. All the colors can, and should, work in harmony, each orchestrating their innate strengths and gifts to actualize the vision.
Ray Kroc had the vision to turn a west coast hamburger stand into billions of Big Mac Sales.
R.H. Macy had the vision that a square block of stores, all under one roof, could become the mightiest retail enterprise.
Henry Ford had the vision of building a 6 cylinder automobile engine.
The list goes on and on.
To paraphrase from Wilner, Companies... and people, who share in vision, do not stand in the way of the rainbow road that leads to the glorious pot of gold.
When people of vision, work for a visionary company, both know there is no limit to high acheivement.